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Wasting Time on Planet Earth

Updated: Nov 3, 2024

There is nothing that surprises me more than the mindset of humans today. Because lost in each and every person's core being is the humility and concern that separates us from the animals. The cognitive side of our soul and mind that helps us to know right from wrong.

This is the humbleness that makes us care about what we do to the earth and for others.

Why is it missing? Well, I guess we can blame it on technology going too fast. People forgetting about the important things in family or friends. It might be due to parents who have forgotten their own spiritual awareness and don't teach children that our world, after all, is a division of right versus wrong.

The world is full of surprises, as it turns out. And not all good ones, I am afraid.

Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

What this means is. Things happen in life. Lots of things. Bad things. And this is not just to one person. And not just to those people who we think deserve to have problems.

The quote simply means - we all get what we get no matter what...and we will always get it. And there is nothing we can do to stop it. All humans will have unanticipated events happen whether they want them or not. This means bad the same time, it also means good things too.

Despite the hardships of living on the earth, there is great beauty that lays hidden right before our eyes - in between all the hardship. Something we have to look for if we want to survive and feel blessings in life.

Like, for example, a beautiful blue bird sitting on a tree branch and singing. A flock of Canadian geese flying in perfect formation overhead. A soft breeze rippling on the lake's still surface and stirring it into motion. So much in front of much beauty...yet, so much unseen.

Everything worth living right in front of our eyes and our soul. Our eyes need to be open to the possibilities. And moreso, it is up to appreciate the beauty while we still have it and after we have found it.

It is important to note that all things change. All things disappear. All things age. And all things pass away. We are born into the world - grow into our bodies over time - and then when we reach a certain point and it is our time to leave - we physically reach an end and our soul passes from this body.

Now, for some reason, I can't explain - people refuse to accept this fate or destination of our spirit. And as humans, on the physical plane...we seem to want to live in fear. In fact, for the most part, we are frozen in fear.   Because we fear the unknown. Still, despite all of this fear - humans want to live forever. Because an even bigger fear is what awaits humans on the other side.

Moreso, it is fear that encourages us to waste time and precious moments. We worry about not eating. Not sleeping. About not buying a new pair of shoes. About not going to a party. Or even how great or how bad looking we are to others. And we worry about how others feel about us. Always. We want to be loved and liked. And because, we fear being alone.

Basically, even though it appears we are living life - it is fear that keeps us from living life to the fullest.

Amazingly, most of the moments and things we worry about and fear are not really that important. Nor do most of these events even happen. The things that could happen - simply don't.

Life is about perception or perceived notions about who and what we are. About our place in the world. And about what we can can and cannot control. In reality, we have no control about whether someone likes us or not. And ultimately, we have no control over another person's actions.

The reason I am focusing on this idea of wasting life and having fear...for example, let's say we are being bullied. We are being followed everywhere we go. We are being ganged up on when we try to walk down the street. And not just by one person...but several.

Maybe most of our neighbors don't talk to us anymore. In a place we want to feel we are at home, we are somehow shunned by the group of humans who surround us in daily life. Or maybe these people who choose to waste life and bully, all share in the well planned and orchestrated attacks we receive when we try to step outside and enjoy life.

So, we worry. And we fear. And we anticipate all the bad stuff. And all the negativity.

And so, what happens is - the only thing a target of gang stalking is able to think about is being gang stalked and bullied and tormented and tortured.

And so, our ability to live life to the fullest has been interfered with. And we get trapped in a surreal and overwhelming existence and it is hard to get out of it or pull away from it.

I am not saying we are wasting our life with the worrying - I am saying we are wasting time. Is the worrying or fear we have...stopping the bullying or gang stalking? Probably not.

I believe there will be a point when - the ones bullying and tormenting and torturing will move or be forced to move on...or they will get sick or pass away. They are human after all. And just think...all the time, we spend thinking about the gang stalking or what someone else can do to us - will not make the behavior or gang stalking stop.

Granted, it may not stop when we want it to...but believe me - it will stop!

At some point - all bad things - turn into something good.

The point I am making with this post is that we targets deserve to live life. And we need to find a way to live around the gang stalking and all the wasted time and all the bad behavior we are being presented with.

And here's the most important thing. Even though we may not see it at first, there will come a point in time that we will still be able to recognize the beauty and special moments in truly living...because those things belong to God...and they do not belong to man.

It is men who choose to torment and break apart. It is God - who chooses to love and bring together.

The focus in our lives...should be about doing the right thing while we have the chance.

It is about reaching out and loving and not aggravating others in anger.

And finally, it is about living and breathing and being thankful in our moment in time.

My Best,




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