A New Development in Energy Assaults and I Thought You Might Like to Know...
Hello. And welcome back to my website.
I wanted to take a few minutes and share with you the latest in the behavior of incoming directed energy assaults. Before I share this - I want to talk about a couple of things every target of gang stalking needs to be aware of. Let me begin.
In the beginning - I could count on 2 hands the number of energy lines coming through my walls at any given time. They were sent in small strong directed streams - at that point most likely via coil or rail gun (small scale of course), and what I felt was in that single line only.
And well, that would have served the purpose for my Organizational Stalkers at that point in time. Burn, zap and overpower a chosen human with heavy and yes, painful energy to make me go over the edge. But for me this did not happen. Going over the edge that is. However, I did feel the pain.
And why would I feel it is important for targeted individuals to know about changes in energy? It is important because as victims or targets of gang stalking - we need to be aware of our surroundings and the things that are happening to us on an ongoing basis.
I will now explain this a bit more. If after a while and over time, a targeted Individual seems to be outliving and outthinking and outmaneuvering these single source (although hard impact lines of energy travel), then what happens next is nearly impossible to overcome.
One more thing...there also comes an awareness for the targeted individual in those early days and in the days of change - of being singled out and being traumatized. Although, the important thing for me was to not be a victim. Not to look at myself that way. Not to let others judge me. Not to let others make me feel bad about myself. This was sometimes hard to do.
Honestly, no one deserves gang stalking and no one has to be a victim of it either. And I just want to say that where there is a will - there is a way around the gang stalking attacks and rituals. I am proof of this.
Sometime back...after I was chased, tormented and accosted every where I went - I began to see that the people who were choosing to bully and stalk me (my neighbors) were nearly like devil worshippers or members of an occult...where the sinister in spirit - hunt and destroy other humans in an attempt to feel alive and live in a powerful and aggressive moment. And they couldn't stop themselves.
The frenzy of hurting someone else was powerful to the spirit...so they went with it.
And the reason it appears overwhelming to a target is that there are so many Godless people who are living in this light. Not light really...more a cloud of darkness and the abysmal.
It is especially disturbing when gang stalkers are pretty much never caught and they also seem to be well taken care of by their orchestrators and the hidden leaders who run the testing of targeted humans through gang stalking campaigns and goals.
As it turns out...the longer a target lives on and survives the most awful of torture - well, the heavier the hand gets by gang stalking tormentors.
So, what I want to share about change is this. I have been building blocks and faraday environments since day one of my stalking. Almost 8 years now. I found that when I put up a block...always, the gang stalkers moved their line of fire. I am guessing that their devices came up against resistance and blocking...so they performed a countermeasure.
At first, I believe, moving a line of energy around...was done by my gang stalkers in their stationary position from and on the ground. And possibly through guess work and through the wall technology. What I mean here is - human configuration and judgement of where I was at a moment's notice. Heat fields most likely. And at night infrared...
But this way of finding me was never enough for my gang stalkers - they wanted me in their line of site always. They wanted more power and control. So, if I alluded them, they became more angry and they went at me so much harder. I did not talk to them. And I avoided them at all costs. I never once, let them know what I was doing or thinking. Or even how I was feeling.
So, then the airplanes, helicopters, and drones (and this included some pretty large military aircraft) began to show up overhead and seemed to help the demonic worker-bees on the ground line up their directed energy devices by an up in the air view of where openings were in my protective wall and floor shielding. This was being done with great precision.
I know - wild huh? Still, not so far fetched when you think about about the Space Race...the first man on the moon. The need to win at all costs. Everyone wants to be number one in the field of science and engineering and power.
So, let's say that another country is close to being number one with laser and directed energy devices - well, then it would make perfect sense we (our own country) would want to top what they are doing with our own research and development. And to do that - guinea pigs and test subjects are necessary and sorely needed. And so human targets get chosen and abused.
Now unbeknownst to the general population is the ongoing silent annihilation of innocent humans who make up the supporting country, a nation and its citizens. All quietly done. All quietly configured by science and technology and the human passion for control.
Sadly, the ones who endure and yes, often fail and even fall into great despair - are merely collateral damage for a greater goal and design by those who choose to gang stalk and overpower the masses.
So, I saw - the airplanes and the lining up of my gang stalker's devices from those aircraft. There were too many aircraft to chalk it up to coincidence. Common sense really. I also knew where some of the devices were hidden.
Okay, so you might be thinking - seriously!? Is this woman for real? Now, I just want to say in my defense that I am probably going through a more severe gang stalking experience than some and that is because I am writing and sharing and they want me quiet. I have a website and my address is listed and so, all stalkers can find me whenever and however they want to.
Getting back to the flow of energy. I became aware and began to notice that the energy paths that I was feeling - had been greatly widened. Really wide. So, that my small blocking efforts weren't working as well. The wider paths also appeared to be heavier and heavier. And here's the incredible thing - it all came at me at a much faster speed. It was incredible - how was it happening this way? And why? What could I have possibly done to them?
At that point, my meter didn't seem to find the exact spot of incoming energy with this widening change and higher speed of travel - well, not at first.
But it still worked...the meter...I just had to find the beginning point where the energy broke through the wall - and that was the challenge. Let me explain.
I found that when I put the meter near the wall and got a reading of let's say 26 uTs in Magnetic field B at that spot - I actually had to move my meter up the wall away from that initial 26 uTs spot - to the real point of entry. Sometimes it was even 2 feet from the spot I found. This was because my barriers were blocking some of the energy but not all of it. And some of the energy was slipping trough and around and above my blocks.
With a wider path of energy flow, what happens with a meter is - we get false entry point readings. The real point of entry can be found by moving the meter usually higher up on the same wall or even down the wall near the initial site. And never forget about wave tunneling where energy gets around and through some of the barrier and surface. It is all an illusion - something to confuse us. But if we keep calm and determine location - we will be successful.
This was hard for me when I discovered what was going on - but eventually I got it. It was almost overwhelming... but I didn't get overwhelmed. I just worked to find a solution.
What I had to do was put a barrier together with the idea that if my gang stalkers were doing all of this to me - I had to place a variety of blocks that would somehow take into account that different energy sources were being used on me. I had to create fields of distortion to counteract the fields of energy distortion and help break up the flow.
I also had to keep in mind the concept of motion...sound...magnetic field....laser light...mirrored reflection...rubber mats and heavy gauged sheet metal and even solar panels placed together were very helpful.
Anyway, that's it. The change. The change being faster speed ... and wider paths of pushed energy. To survive gang stalking - we have to find ways to fight back. We have to use our brains to fight a battle of wills for the mind. But you can do it. If I can - then so can you.